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Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”

Proverbs 30:5

What we believe about God influences everything we do or say.

Ever battle with what is true and what isn’t true? Yeah, me too.

Each day, each moment is laced with decisions and choices that influence and determine whether we made listening to truth superior to accepting lies. This is a blog that reflects what God says in His word, while also sharing some personal thoughts. My words merely, if at all, are supplemental. They can be taken away or they can help explain things in a deeper way, but the Scriptures are in no way supplemental, but foundational.

I pray that as you read that this blog will stir your affections for Jesus and expose your soul to what the good news really is. The good news of the gospel is that we are able to have reconciled relationship with God our Creator. 

God is so good. God is gracious and He is kind. This platform is typed with humble hands. He is worthy of all affection and praise.

So grab a cup of coffee, and snuggle with your favorite blanket or whatever you prefer to do, but I hope that you find comfort, joy, and peace as you read whatever God has placed on my heart to share. You are loved. You are cared for.

Welcome to Words That Prove True.